Common Issues With Ductless HVAC Systems

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You may have invested in a ductless HVAC system for your household to keep you cool through the summer and warm through the winter. However, you may have noticed it’s not operating at the capacity that it did when you first had the unit installed. There are some simple reasons as to why your HVAC system is not operating at full speed, and you might even be able to take care of some of these issues yourself.

My system is running loud.


It is important to not disregard any issues that may arise from your heating system. In order to troubleshoot your ductless HVAC, assess the problem. For example, if you notice that loud noises are emerging from your ductless mini-split system, it could be an issue with your blower. Mini-split systems use blowers in each air handler to move air throughout your home. If one of your air handlers is running louder than the others, there’s a good chance that the fan is bordering on failure, and needs immediate repair.

The loud noises could also emerge due to a lack of basic maintenance of the ductless HVAC system. If you allow filters and coils to get dirtied up, the unit won’t work properly, and fans can fail prematurely. The compressor and fan controls can wear out, especially when turning a ductless air conditioner or heating system on and off frequently. Corrosion of wires and terminals is also a problem in many systems, which is why connections must be checked, as even just gunk and dust in wiring can lead to long-term troubles.

My HVAC unit is making hissing noises.


If the noises are more of a hissing than a loud clanking, this could be the sign of a leak in the refrigerant line. This is a serious issue, as low refrigerant levels put significant strain on a ductless HVAC unit. This can cause it to break down much earlier than its lifespan is designed for, resulting in much higher repair costs when you hire a technician to fix it. Bring in a professional as soon as possible.

If your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant, adding refrigerant won’t be a solution, as it will pour right back out. A trained technician should first fix the leak, test the repair, and then charge the HVAC system with refrigerant once more. This not only needs to be an immediate repair for the sake of your ductless system, but for the environment. Refrigerant leaks can be of great detriment if it is pouring out of your outdoor unit, and can be of danger to homeowners.

My unit has some excess moisture.


If you notice any excess moisture coming from the air handlers of your ductless mini-split air conditioners, it may be time to check the drain lines for any backup. Be sure to be vigilant for any watermarks where moisture could be building up. This can be detrimental structural integrity of your walls to the point that an air handler could actually fall out, leading to much more significant home repairs. This buildup of moisture can also lead to mold growth, creating a health danger and impacting your indoor air quality.

You may need to replace the condensing unit and coils with a properly sized ductless air unit. Water leaks or open windows during humid periods can also impact your system’s indoor unit. A lack of proper drainage could impact an air conditioner’s ability to properly cool. If you have any doubts about the overall health of your ductless HVAC system, don’t hesitate to bring in licensed HVAC technicians on a regular yearly basis to assess the unit.

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