Moving Tips for Personal Injury Victims

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Just because you were in a car crash or workplace accident doesn’t mean you need to put your life on hold. You can still move toward major life events and follow through with any plans made before the personal injury you suffered. That being said, you may need to change a few things to accommodate your injury or protect the integrity of your personal injury case. Here are a few moving tips to consider now as you recover from an injury incurred during a car accident, workplace injury, or any other such negligence.

Discuss the move with your attorney.

Before you start packing up your items or signing a new lease, talk to your personal injury lawyer, and ask for advice on moving right now. There may be some complications if you are planning to move to a different state or city, as the laws differ from district to district. You’ll want to make sure yogurt legal advice so that you don’t harm your personal injury claim in a way that keeps you from getting the fair compensation you deserve. Your attorney might recommend a local move to stay in the area, even if you’re considering a move to a great place, to continue receiving the same medical care or continue the personal injury case in the same jurisdiction. They can also recommend doctors in the new place you plan to live in.

You aren’t the first client to move midway through a case. Many personal injury lawyers in New Mexico are used to accommodating clients who want to change their residency. If you haven’t contacted a personal injury lawyer about your case, you should do so right away. Many law firms provide a few consultation and legal advice to help you get a fair settlement to cover medical expenses or property damage that you may have suffered during an accident, so you don’t need to worry about an attorney’s fee while you find out what you need to know about personal injury law in the Phoenix area.

Find a real estate company that can accommodate your needs.

House hunting can be fun if you have the strength and ability to visit multiple homes in a day. However, if you have limited mobility or lack of energy because of your injury, you might not be able to see many homes to find the best one for you. Fortunately, there are ways to look at houses even if you can’t leave your bed.

Work with a real estate company that works with clients who have different accessibility levels. For example, the team at Venterra Realty might be able to give you virtual tours through a video call to showcase a few homes. This can help you narrow your choices so you only have to look at one or two homes. They’ll also provide great service that allows you to check out apartment communities and find a great place for your new home, even if you’ve suffered a serious injury and can’t move around as easily as you once could.

Hire a moving company.

It doesn’t matter if you are only moving across the street or from one small space to another. Do not take the risk of worsening an already serious injury by moving on your own. Hire local movers who can help you pack up your things and set them up in your new residence. There are multiple Phoenix moving companies with friendly movers who can provide the great service you need.

If you try to carry items on your own, you could worsen your injury or hurt another part of your body in the process. This care will not be covered in your case — and the insurance company might use the fact that you are fit enough to move to discredit your injury claim.

If you normally wouldn’t hire a moving company but have to because of your injury, consult your attorney. You may be able to add these expenses to your personal injury claim.

Keep your medical documents and legal paperwork close at hand.

Moving can be exhausting as you try to unpack and re-organize everything you own in a new space. If you need to access important documents, they could be buried in countless boxes or tucked away somewhere forgotten. If you lose your paperwork or it becomes jumbled and disorganized, then you could create hours of work for yourself and your attorney to recover copies and re-issue documents.

Before you move, set aside the documents related to your claim. Keep them with you in a designated place and secure them in your new home. This will help you effectively present documents and keep up with bills as you settle into your new home.

Don’t put your life on hold while the insurance company settles your case. Work with an attorney to create a plan of action so you can move across town or across the country.

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